About us

Energy Wagon Project

A platform for education to improve Energy Literacy and community engagement about the Energy and the Energy Transition.

Our Objectives


To generate opportunities for schools, communities, businesses and not-for-profit organisations to engage with the Energy Sector for the advancement of Australians and their positive environmental and economic impact.


To empower Australians for better decision making by improving literacy on energy topics such as energy generation, energy usage and economics and environmental impact through a hands-on approach and stimulating curiosity and critical thinking.

Our Message

Affordable Energy

Ensuring access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy is fundamental to human wellbeing, economic development and poverty alleviation.


Diverse Energy Mix

A diversified mix of energy sources is key to delivering efficient and affordable energy while lowering carbon emissions.


Everyone Involved

We should all play a part in finding and supporting energy solutions for a sustainable future.


Our Initiatives

National Energy Literacy Survey

A survey to help guide actions to support an independent, collaborative and evidence-based approach to
building energy literacy across Australia, and it is aimed to become a measure of Australia’s level of energy literacy to help us drive and measure the impact of energy education programs.

Learn more about this initiative here.

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